This has been written by Rashi Verma

It has now surfaced that the tainted cop had extorted Rs 30 lakh from TRP-measuring authority BARC, reported The Times of India. It is important to note that there was while the FIR in the TRP manipulation case had mentioned other news channel, the Mumbai police headed by Parambir Singh at the time had publicly named Republic TV Editor-in-Chief Arnab Goswami in the case during a press conference without any apparent evidence.

Though the Times OF India has reported the case the Timesnow which was running a prime time show gleefully on the TRP case has sideline them from the coverage of the case.
It is extremely interesting to know that a Lutyens news anchor who claimed ' it was extremely difficult for her to fills Arnab's shoes ' and was merrily doing her prime time show on TRP case is completely silent now on how a disgraced cop tried extorting money from the BARC agency.